Voter Information

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NOV 2024 elections data will be available OCT 16, 2024

VOTE411 is committed to ensuring voters have the information they need to successfully participate in every election. Whether it’s local, state or federal, every election is important to ensuring our laws and policies reflect the values and beliefs of our communities.

 Lane County Elections Websitepainting of hills and lake with wording

State of Oregon | Secretary of State | Current Elections Information


All Oregon Voting is “Vote-by-Mail”

Candidate & Measure, Voter Information

  • Register or update your registration information to Vote! (Registration tutorial)
  • Check your status. You must re-register when your name, address (if your address stays the same but Apt # changes, you must update), signature or party affiliation change.
    Note: Independent Party is not the same as Non-Affiliated Voter- NAV).
  • Deciding on a party? Oregon Political Parties

You must be 16 years old, a US citizen, and an Oregon resident to register, and 18 years old to vote. Voters must register at least 20 days before elections to vote; forms received no later than 5 pm on the 21st day before the election. Current registrants may update registration information through election day.

Oregon Motor Vehicle Law | Oregon DMV FAQ’s

The new law took effect on January 1, 2016. It is meant to increase voter engagement by allowing voters an easy way to register.

After going to the DMV, you will receive a card in the mail that will give you three options.

  1. Do nothing – you will registered as a nonaffiliated voter (not a member of a political party). You would not be allowed to vote in the primaries.
  2. Pick a party – Choose a party of your choice and return the card.
  3. Opt out – Use the card to decline to participate in the voting responsibility.
Elections Calendar

Ballots are Mailed to registered voters 2-3 weeks before election days.  Elections Calendar 

Return your ballot by mailing to Lane County Elections (local address on voting envelope) or place into official drop boxes. They must be received by 8:00pm on election days.

Election Dropsites

Dropbox sites change can change from one election to the next. The list of sites are released by Lane County Elections close to each election. Go to Lane County Elections.

Petitions | Think Before You Ink campaign

You might be seeing people with clip-boards asking for your signature to help put a measure on the ballot. Learn more about what this process is all about. Signature 101


Video interview with Dena Dawson and Bob Page in Orange County, CA, discussing their award winning programs and best practices to provide community observation during ballot processing. (59 mins)

Video of Marion County Clerk Bill Burgess takes us behind the scenes to show us what happens once our ballot reaches his office. (30:07 video)

Do you ever wonder about how Lane County’s ballot counting process? Is it safe? Can the counting of ballots be hacked? Watch this short video of the ballot counting process. (3:30 mins)

Does the League of Women Voters support candidates? NO

Life Cycle of a Ballot
