About LWVLC, giving Lane County, Oregon citizens a voice.
Together, we:
- Register voters & defend voting rights
- Study issues & lobbies, based on member agreement.
- Influence public policy with education and advocacy in social policy, natural resource and governance issues
- Encourage informed and active government participation
- Teach students and citizens: civics, elections and citizen rights
To be clear, the League:
- Does not support or oppose any political party or candidate.
- Is a nonpartisan political organization promoting informed and active participation in government.
The Lane County League has over 180 men and women striving to make school districts, utilities, county government and the Oregon Legislature function more effectively to benefit all of us. The Lane County League is part of LWVOR (Oregon) and LWVUS, the national League.
The League of Women Voters is for MEN also. The 1973 LWVUS convention admitted male members. Oregon’s Norman Turrill is the first LWVUS and LWVUS Education Fund male board member.
Some members read and discuss isues. Others join studies or work on Voter Service. Some follow their advocacy passion- like Clean Air, Mental Health, Voting Rights. Some join to support the League and contribute $ to fund our diverse activities.
Join LWVLC! (automatically includes state & national membership)
The League:
- Creates positive, lasting change in our communities.
- Empowers millions to protect their voting rights, to have their votes count!
- Bridges partisan divides by fostering civil community discourse on topics of interest.
- Educates citizens and fosters dialogue on important issues – from healthcare and climate change to immigration and affordable housing.
- Advocates for positive change at the local, state and national levels on issues that impact all of us, like land use, education reform, and government transparency and accountability.